While Luca and Anna investigate the murder of a man who has just been released from prison after a rape conviction, Mauro expresses his anger to Giulia over Bondi's disappearance: the agent is convinced that the mole is Captain Rea himself. The commissioner is torn between his attraction to the man and Belli and Ardenzi's legitimate suspicions about the investigation into the ecomafia. Mauro and Roberto track down Bondi's acquaintance, Giacomo De Gregori, the owner of a transport company that received a lot of money from Liverani. When questioned, the man admits to having transported toxic waste on behalf of the broker and eventually gives up Bondi's cell phone, which turns out to be a false name. At that moment, Rea bursts into the X Tuscolano, furious at not having been warned of the developments in the investigation.