The men of the Mobile and the X Tuscolano have surrounded the entire wooded area and are closing in on Corallo, who understands that he must move quickly if he doesn't want to be crushed. With him is Gualtieri, the hunter to whom he fed his dog. Corallo decides that the only way to escape the roadblocks is to use him as bait. He therefore orders him to call his wife on her cell phone so that she can join him in the car with his brother-in-law, pretending to be out on a Sunday outing. The plan is simple: once the police have let them pass, Corallo will take his brother-in-law's place in the car, while Gualtieri himself, with Corallo's backpack on his shoulder, will attract the police to himself. While Corallo is putting his plan together, the District investigates a strange series of apartment robberies.